Critique with John Wood
on monday i had a group critique with, as u may suspect, John Wood. This is intended as a catalyst between students, this leading to various trains of thought and opening up your thought processes for discussion. Unfortunately, in affirmation of the 'Lazy Artist' cliche, most of my peers deemed us unworthy of their time but in spite of this i feel the whole experience was highly constructive (for all 4 of us).

a little sellfish i know but i'll brush over the work of others, as if i were to start discussing this too then there would be no end to the rambling and would slightly defeat the object of a record of my production. this by no means should imply i gained any less from the discussion of the work of my peers.
the session raised a number of points i have rarely considered in the past, or at least in this particular manner.. i think most importantly what happens after uni, the presentation and more importantly perhaps, its reception and also the sale of work and the possibilities therein. all very important in the lead up to my exhibition (although i use the term loosely) in the bookable space at Dartmouth Avenue.
a little sellfish i know but i'll brush over the work of others, as if i were to start discussing this too then there would be no end to the rambling and would slightly defeat the object of a record of my production. this by no means should imply i gained any less from the discussion of the work of my peers.
the session raised a number of points i have rarely considered in the past, or at least in this particular manner.. i think most importantly what happens after uni, the presentation and more importantly perhaps, its reception and also the sale of work and the possibilities therein. all very important in the lead up to my exhibition (although i use the term loosely) in the bookable space at Dartmouth Avenue.
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