the story so far

Well its been some time, and im afraid not a great deal has accured in terms of practical output but things have been plodding along in other respects.
Firstly, we have a shiny new studio space, which aside from some minor teething problems (a muddy track to get too and from it thanks to ridiculous layout) is a really great place to make work.

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Ive spend most of my time recently working on collages of various found and drawn imagery, continuing along the same thread as i have previously with purely my own output, these collages are mainly intended to inform some large paintings but no wood workshop (another teething problem) or wood has put stretcher building on hold.

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I have also been working on some embroidery, continuing some of the map making drawings i was doing last year.

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I have been part of weekly meetings about art in general but more specifically an exhibition in bath (at the same space as LOOM) called ‘constructing current painting’, theres a website in the works thanks to a fellow maker and it has been good to keep the dialogue going about all things art related.

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this is the poster by lewk wilmshurst

After some seriously messy beginnings, there is also a London degree show in the works for summer next year.


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