..a little more backtracking

..so as ive been trying to catch up with whats been going on in the real world ive inadvertently failed to post the linking work.. i.e. the main piece that was in the exhibition 'these words i seek are not my own' which was the subject of the last post i made before the interim.. so here it is in all its dubious glory: 'vs' capcom, google, wood, dulux, projector, oil, acrylic, reclaimed frame, hardware 2011 we (the artists and a few other folks from around the studio) had a crit and this is the general thread of conversation regarding the work... somewhat forceful presentation of a view of incestuous counter-intuitive/symbiotic relationship existing between contemporary and historical dipictive image making. obscuring the plurality or multiplicity from both painterly and pseudo painterly perspectives content rendered, aside from being a deliberate rendering of a simulated physical (albeit exaggerated) conflict, attempt to both loose ...