
i started working on a new series of digital works before christmas, they evolved out of the methods i was using to produce test palettes for the cnc routed panels (sempiternal view and indentured clarity). the first 3 i made were created by condensing and manipulating images ripped from google into these little pixellated landscape format colour fields.. in spite of being produced on a computer, the production method is actually more akin to traditional painting than most of my actual painting, i keep the image strictly to one layer, negating the temptation to keep particular colour formations and move them towards/away from the surface. it is important that the surface evolves as a whole in a chronologically linear way.. that way 'mistakes' or inadequite or visual unappealing decisions have to be accounted for by re-rendering or incorperating those elements into the overall scheme of things.

'Ultrapainting 1'
thomas coles, google, photoshop, digital print

'Ultrapainting 2'
john constable, google, photoshop, digital print

'Ultrapainting 3'
margriet smulders, google, photoshop, digital print


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